民国二十六年中国农民银行贰角单面正反面样票一对,编号FE000000及DQ000000,控号6113 及3689,大业版,均AEF,曾黏贴,背面右下角有细孔,罕见印钞机构。The Farmers Bank of China, 20 cents, a pair of uniface obverse and reverse specimen, Year 26(1937), serial numbers FE000000 and DQ000000, control numbers 6113 and 3689, printed by Da Ye Company,(Pick 462s1 and 462s2), both sides about extremely fine, previously mounted, the reverse specimen with small holes at lower right corner. A scarce Da Ye Company specimen pair (1 pair). .
民国时期纸钞一组28枚,包括中国银行2枚,中央银行8枚,关金券13枚,交通银行3枚,财政部平市官钱局铜元拾枚及财政部印刷局各1枚,大致VF或以上。China, a group of Republican era notes, including Bank of China (2), Central Bank of China (8), Customs Gold Units (13), ...
中国农民银行一组3枚,包括民国二十九年贰拾圆,民国二十六年一毫,及二十四年贰毫,编号F423508,BD 461199,分别评PMG 64, 65EPQ及64。Farmers Bank of China, 20 yuan, 1940, serial number F423508, also, 10 cents 1937, 20 cents, 1935 serial number BD 461199,(Pick 4 ...
民国二十六年中国农民银行一毫连号一对,编号ML036377/78,均评PMG 66EPQ。Famers Bank of China, consecutive 10 cents, 1937, serial number ML036377/78, (Pick 461), both PMG 66EPQ Gem Uncirculated (2) .
民国十四年中国丝茶银行一圆,及民国十三年蒙藏银行一角,分别评PMG 15及12。China, a pair of early types, including China Silk & Tea Industrial Bank 1 dollar 1925, and Great Northwestern Bank 10 cents 1924,(Pick A120Ab, 485), PMG 15 Choice Fine, 12 Fine. (2) ...
中国工农银行纸钞一对,分别民国二十一年伍圆,汉口地名,「此票在长沙兑现」加盖,及民国二十一年拾圆,上海地名,编号B390401及157349,分别评PMG 12(有黏贴痕跡)及20(有渍)。Agricultural & Industrial Bank of China, a pair of notes, including 5 yuan Hankow 1932, pay ...
民国二十七年中国联合準备银行拾圆单面正反面样票,编号A0000000,均评PMG 63,少见。Federal Reserve Bank of China, obverse and reverse specimen 10 yuan, 1938, serial number A0000000, blue, Guan Yu at left, flying dragon over the Great Walll at right,(Pick J57s ...
民国十二年四川官银号一元,编号02245,直式,PMG 35。Szechuan Official Bank, China, $1, 1923, serial number 02245, vertical format, blue, multiple red stamps,(Pick S2811), PMG 35 Choice Very Fine. .
民国七年阿尔泰通用银券一圆,编号00599,PMG 25。Altai District, China, 1 yuan, 1918, serial number 00599, charcol, street view with carriage and bicycle at centre,(Pick S2490J), PMG 25 Very Fine. Dr.Werner Burger Collection.
民国廿八年西康省银行藏币半圆,编号C0158097,PMG 50,有渍及细孔。Sinkiang Provincial Bank, China, 1/2 yuan, 1939, serial number C0158097, red on yellow and pale blue underprint, Tibetan denomination at low left and reverse,(Pick S1739), PMG 50 About Uncircu ...
民国九年黑龙江广信公司兑换券辅币伍角,黑河地名,编号0466130,PMG 35。Kuang Hsin Syndicate of Heilungkiang, China, 50 cents, 1920, Heiho, serial number 0466130, green, memorial arch at centre,(Pick S1577a), PMG 35 Choice Very Fine. . ...
关于 民国二十六年中国农民银行贰角单面正反面样票一对,编号FE000000及DQ000000,控号6113 及3689,大业版,均AEF,曾黏贴,背面右下角有细孔,罕见印钞机构的评论