新疆阿城光緒銀圓伍錢銀幣。阿克蘇造幣廠。必定惊艷四座的一枚,新疆钱币中当之无愧的珍品。PCGS评鑑中与另一枚并列最高分,仅有轻微磨损,呈亮丽绸缎光泽。虽有一丝弱打,但较此版其他币强烈,定激起在拍卖场上的一番龙争虎斗。(t) CHINA. Sinkiang. 5 Mace (Miscals), AH 1311 (1894). Aksu Mint. Kuang-hsu (Guangxu). PCGS AU-58.L&M-785; K-1190; KM-Y-15; WS-1264. All collectors of the Sinkiang series of coinage should be immediately thrilled by this example, as it provides a quality that is of the utmost RARITY for Sinkiang issues. Tied with one other example for the finest certified specimen by PCGS, this minor displays very little evidence of technical wear and a bright and satiny luster. Though displaying a touch of strike weakness, the design elements are more fully placed than the norm for this type. A tremendous example that should excite any specialist in the series, or any generalist in Chinese coins simply looking for beautiful coins.
关于 新疆省造阿城光绪银元伍钱AH1311 PCGS AU 58 CHINA. Sinkiang. 5 Mace (Miscals), AH 1311 (1894). Aksu Mint. Kuang-hs的评论