廣東省造光緒元寶三錢六分銀幣。卓越品相,细节精细,币面呈一层清浅而引人入胜的包浆,或因此而得此分,该版中的姣好者。CHINA. Kwangtung. 3 Mace 6 Candareens (50 Cents), ND (1890-1908). Kwangtung Mint. Kuang-hsu (Guangxu). PCGS Genuine--Altered Surfaces, AU Details.L&M-134; K-27; KM-Y-202; WS-0943. A piece that generates tremendous appeal, this richly detailed and completely attractive offering delivers strong details and a light coating of quizzical toning, which likely accounts for the assigned grade. A wonderful example of this ever popular type.From the Kenneth Bressett Collection.
关于 广东省造光绪元宝三钱六分 PCGS AU Details CHINA. Kwangtung. 3 Mace 6 Candareens (50 Cents), ND (1890-1908). Kwang的评论