寶武局光緒通寶機製方孔銅幣。令人印象深刻的一枚,PCGS中仅两枚更高分,黄铜色泽通透诱人。铸压锐利,几乎无经手及接触痕跡。出眾的一枚,铜币藏家不二之选。CHINA. Hupeh. Brass Cash, ND (1898). Kuang-hsu (Guangxu). PCGS MS-63.Hsu-182. An impressive example that is surpassed by only two others of the type on the PCGS population report, this Cash retains a brassy brilliance that appeals on many levels. The strike is sharp, and almost no evidence of handling or contact is seen. An impressive specimen that is certain to drive much attention from the specialists in Cash types.
关于 湖北省造光绪通宝宝武机制方孔样币 PCGS MS 63 CHINA. Hupeh. Brass Cash, ND (1898). Kuang-hsu (Guangxu). PCGS MS-63.的评论