民國五十九年蔣介石台灣伍圓。PCSG 评鑑中唯一最高分,图文有些许霜化,带来隐约有浮雕效果,光泽闪烁。(t) CHINA. Taiwan. 5 Yuan, Year 59 (1970). PCGS PROOFLIKE-67.KM-Y-548. The single finest graded example of the type in the PCGS census, this entrancing specime ...
渣打银行伍拾圆(1970-75、79)两枚,及69年汇丰银行伍拾圆,共三枚。八 - 九成新The Chartered Bank $50, 1970-75 & 79 (Ma S25 & 26), & The Hong Kong Bank $50, 1969 (Ma H25). SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. XF-AU (3 pcs)
1970-1977年渣打银行拾圆一组10枚,其二、其四连号,其一Z版。其四九五新,馀未使用The Chartered Bank, a group $10, 1970-1977 (Ma S14), 2 & 4 in consecutive nos, one with Z prefix. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. 4 pcs AU, 6 pcs UNC (10 pcs) ...
渣打银行拾圆(1970-75),三枚,其一不同签名。均全新The Chartered Bank, $10, ND (1970-75) (Ma S14), all with prefix A, one diff sign. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. All Gem UNC (3 pcs)