渣打银行、汇丰银行及有利银行纸钞一组七枚:不同年、不同值。八 - 九成新The Chartered Bank, The Hong Kong Bank & Mercantile Bank, group of 7 pcs, diff dates & values. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. XF-AU (7 pcs)
1972年(10月)香港上海汇丰银行拾圆 17枚、80、81年伍拾圆两枚,及81年渣打银行伍拾圆,共20枚。七 - 八成新The Hong Kong Bank $5 (17) & $50 (2) , & The Chartered Bank $50, 1972, 80 & 81. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. VF-XF (20 pcs) ...
1958年(1月)香港上海汇丰银行拾圆、81年香港渣打银行拾圆ZZ版,两枚。汇丰有黄点九成新,渣打未使用The Hong Kong Bank & The Chartered Bank, $10, 01/1958 & 1981 (Ma H14a & S15), s/ns P/J929993 & ZZ434699. Aged spots on The HK Bank, AU & UNC (2 pcs) ...
香港渣打银行纸钞一组12枚:不同值、不同年。七 - 八成新The Chartered Bank, group of 12 pcs, diff INSERT INTO item_auto(`caid`,`asid`,`item_no`,`name`,`desc`,`estimate_price`,`deal_price`,`item1_img`) VALUES& dates. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. VF-XF (12 pcs) ...
关于渣打银行伍圆(1970-75),连号八枚。均全新The Chartered Bank, $5, ND (1970-75) (Ma S8), s/ns M555780-787. SOLD AS IS/N的评论